The Animal Medical Centre
56 Colbee Crt, Phillip, Woden Valley ACT 2606, Australia
We are a Canberra based small animal practice. Our philosophy at the Animal Medical Centre is to provide the highest quality of personalized service to our patients and clients. Our aim is to help our patient grow to their full potential, enjoy an active , healthy adulthood and a long and comfortable old age. We strongly believe in communication and teamwork to provide you with the top quality service and our staff are trained with that in mind. To aid us with our endeavors, we have excellent facilities including those for in-house pathology, ultrasonography, endoscopy, electrocardiography and radiography. Our specialties are in Ultrasonography, Cardiology, Chiropractic, Animal Behaviour, Stem cell therapy and Dermatology. Often, we do get referral for the mentioned interests. All our patients are very closely monitored and we lessen their distress at at being away from home with generous doses of tender loving care.